FLWT Volunteer/Member Appreciation Picnic

FLWT Volunteer/Member Appreciation Picnic

Finger Lakes Woodturners will be hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Picnic which is open for all Club members – June 17 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at Braddock Bay park in Greece. Spouses and their families and significant others are welcome. We do need to know who will be attending so that we will have enough food for all, Please contact David Banister at DBanister@frontier.com by June tenth to indicate whether or not you are coming and how many will be attending.

The Club will provide and cook up some yummy hamburgs and hotdogs and provide chips, condiments,ice and utensils. We are asking that everyone bring their own beverage of choice. And, if you are so inclined, a dish to pass. Dave Gould has picked out a couple of nice burls to be used as door prizes too. Please bring your favorite lawn, board or card games as well.

This is an opportunity to show our thanks for the many people who volunteer their time and talents to help make the club events and activities happen, and this will give us a nice opportunity to better get to know everyone outside the context of turning; so please come and have some fun.

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