Finger Lakes Woodturners November 2018 Meeting

Finger Lakes Woodturners November 2018 Meeting

Our regular November meeting, on Thursday November 15, will feature our first national turner of the season, John Jordan. This visit is also being sponsored by Rochester Woodworker’s Society.

We will begin the meeting a bit earlier than normal, at 5:45 pm, with Show and Share, and a brief business/info session, including election of Vice President and Treasurer. John’s demo will begin by 6:30.

During the demo, John will turn one of his teapot pieces. He will turn the body and lid of the teapot from start to finish, and use a previously turned teapot to further the carving and talk about attaching a handle, finishing etc. He will also talk about the topics to be covered at the Saturday Nov 17 demonstration and the Sunday Nov 18 hands on workshop. Sign up now if you want to participate in the Sunday workshop as space is limited. You can register for either Saturday or Sunday here.

There is more information about the details for Saturday and Sunday programs available here.

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