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Author: August

May 19 – FLWT Monthly Meeting and Emiliano Achaval Demonstration

May 19 – FLWT Monthly Meeting and Emiliano Achaval Demonstration

Hawaiian Calabash with Emiliano Achaval

Our meeting on Thursday May 19th begins at 6:30 with informal discussions via Zoom, and the business meeting begins at 7:00pm. This month's turning demonstration will be all the way from the islands of Hawaii.  Emiliano Achaval will demonstrate how to turn a Hawaiian Calabash.  He will start with a brief history with a photo slideshow, then turn a low sided calabash completely, emphasizing the all-important round bottom.  He will apply a pewa patch (fishtail in Hawaiian) to a crack, also know as flying Dutchmen or butterfly.  We hope you will join us for this exciting demonstration all the way from Maui.

Zoom information will be emailed to members a few days in advance of the meeting.