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Author: Ask Woody

Shared user role for web site administrator. At some point we may add individual user roles for each site administrator.
Finger Lakes Woodturners April 2019 Meeting

Finger Lakes Woodturners April 2019 Meeting

Our regular meeting on April 18 will feature Jim Echter providing a preview of The Sensational Skew, to be presented at the AAW Symposium in July in Raleigh, NC.

Jim will take the mystery out of how to use the skew so it becomes the sensational tool in your arsenal. Utilizing a combination of images, large scale models and actual demonstrations, the use of the skew will be broken down into very understandable chunks of information. The program will overview skew profiles, edge profiles, sharpening procedures, basic cuts, advanced cuts, and learning exercises.  Project ideas will be demonstrated that will help you build confidence with using this sensational tool.

One of the key takeaways will be that meeting attendees will learn how to effectively use the skew as well as the cause and prevention of the dreaded dig in and screw thread.

We will begin the meeting as usual by gathering between 5:30 and 6pm for setting up the room, followed at 6pm by Show and Share, and general discussions and interactions, and a brief business/info session. The demonstration should begin between 6:30 and 6:45.