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Author: Ask Woody

Shared user role for web site administrator. At some point we may add individual user roles for each site administrator.
Finger Lakes Woodturners March 2019 Meeting

Finger Lakes Woodturners March 2019 Meeting

Our demonstrator for the regular meeting on Thursday March 21 will be David Barnet showing and discussing his exploration of bowls with handles, turned sidegrain from green blanks. David says, “It’s awful tough to follow a whiz like Michael Hosaluk with anything interesting and creative!” but he is giving us some examples of a variation on traditional English wooden tableware, used for soup or hot cereal.   A wide thin ring is turned around the bowl, either at the top lip or partway down, and then off the lathe cut away leaving one or two handles.  There will be discussion of woods suited for this, and drying techniques.  

As an added bonus, David will show us another way to turn a top that will spin for four minutes. It promises to be an interesting and informative demonstration.

We will begin the meeting as usual by gathering between 5:30 and 6pm for setting up the room, followed at 6pm by Show and Share, and general discussions and interactions, and a brief business/info session. The demonstration should begin between 6:30 and 6:45.