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Author: Ask Woody

Shared user role for web site administrator. At some point we may add individual user roles for each site administrator.
Finger Lakes Woodturners January 2019 Meeting

Finger Lakes Woodturners January 2019 Meeting

Our regular January meeting, on Thursday January 17, will feature our first national turner of 2019, Michael Hosaluk, from Saskatoon Canada. This visit is also being sponsored by Rochester Woodworker’s Society. Michael is well known for his design and teaching abilities and he has produced a wide variety of amazing items which can be found on his web site and by searching for “Michael Hosaluk YouTube” (without the quotes).

We will begin the meeting a bit earlier than normal, at 5:45 pm, with Show and Share, and a brief business/info session. Michael’s demo will begin by 6:30.

During the meeting demo, Michael will demonstrate turning an end grain bowl with carved legs and he will discuss addition and subtraction to objects he creates. He will also talk about the topics to be covered at the Saturday Jan 19 demonstration and the Sunday Jan 20 hands on workshop. Sign up now if you want to participate in the Saturday demonstration. The Sunday workshop is currently full.

There is more information about the details for Saturday and Sunday programs available here.