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Author: Ask Woody

Shared user role for web site administrator. At some point we may add individual user roles for each site administrator.
Finger Lakes Woodturners October 2018 Meeting

Finger Lakes Woodturners October 2018 Meeting

Our regular October meeting, on Thursday October 18, will feature Erv Tschanz who is going to demonstrate turning a German folk art tree. This is an ornament which is a 5-tier tree on an off-set base (multiple center points).

Erv has made these from yew branches, but will he will bring a sample from regular lumber w/ off-set axis points of 1/4” and 1/2”. He will describe each of the tools that he uses, and the special grind he puts on them. Some of the turning will be done left-handed ( because it’s easier).

As is our usual practice, the meeting will begin at 6:00 pm with Show and Share, and a brief business/info session at 6:30 and then Erv’s demonstration.