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Author: Ask Woody

Shared user role for web site administrator. At some point we may add individual user roles for each site administrator.
Finger Lakes Woodturners September 2018 Meeting

Finger Lakes Woodturners September 2018 Meeting

Our regular September meeting, on Thursday September 20, will feature Ralph Mosher who is going to demonstrate making a thin wall hollow form. Ralph will take us through each of the steps in making a hollow form item, and will demonstrate a number of tools that he uses, including bowl gouges, the Stewart Hollowing tool (precursor to the Robert Sorby hollowing tool), and a Don Derry hollowing tool. Ralph will also mention a Carter Hollow Roller System which enables hollowing deeper pieces. He will be demonstrating a hollow vase inspired by Andy DiPietro. Creating a hollow form is a time consuming process and, considering the time allotted for the demo, some portions of the work will be completed in his shop beforehand. However, Ralph will demonstrate each step from the partially completed work including turning the shape of the vase, hollowing the form, checking the wall thickness, as well as, a method used to chuck the work.

As is our usual practice, the meeting will begin at 6:00 pm with Show and Share, and a brief business/info session at 6:30 and then Ralph’s demonstration.