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Category: Demonstrations

FLWT Hosts Bob Rosand

FLWT Hosts Bob Rosand

UPDATE 11/15/2012 – Bob Rosand has notified FLWT that he has an injury to his back and is unable to make it to demonstrate for these events.  We have rearranged our schedule to have FLWT’s own Jim Echter do his demonstration, originally planned for February, in place of Mr. Rosand.  The Saturday November, 17th demonstration will be cancelled.  We are attempting to reschedule with Bob Rosand to demonstrate for FLWT in the near future.

FLWT is hosting national turner Bob Rosand for our November monthly meeting.  Mr. Rosand is known for his turned projects from scrap wood and he will be speaking at a special Friday evening club meeting on November 16th.  His talk that evening will be on his work and turning techniques.  On Saturday November 17th, Bob will be demonstrating his techniques for turning a multitude of objects on the lathe.  The Saturday event will be an extended demonstration of all aspects of Bob’s techniques and there will be a lot of interesting information presented for turners of all levels.

Our Friday night meeting starts with a show and share at 6:00pm with a short business meeting and Bob’s lecture beginning at about 6:45pm.  The Saturday demonstration of turningwill be from 9:00am until approximately 3:00pm.  We will break for a short lunch during the day but the club will not be providing lunch so please come prepared with your own.  The Friday meeting is of course free and open to all.   The Saturday demonstration is also open to all and is only $35.

Special Friday Night Meeting: November 16th, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Saturday Demonstration: November 17th, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

The Friday meeting and the Saturday demonstration will be held at our normal meeting place:

Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning Training Center
180 Charlotte St
Rochester, N.Y.

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