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Finger Lakes Woodturners Host Mark Sillay

Finger Lakes Woodturners Host Mark Sillay

Finger Lakes Woodturners will hold our regular November club meeting on Friday, November 18th, instead of the usual 3rd Thursday meeting date. For November we are hosting our first national turner of the season, Mark Sillay.The meeting will begin at 6:00pm with a show and share of members work. A quick business meeting, which includes the elections for Vice President and Treasurer roles, will commence at 6:30pm. Following the business meeting we will have Mark’s demo.

Friday evening Mark will cover the following items:

WOOD SLICING: How to apply slicing tool techniques to form cleanly sliced beads, coves, flats,
discs and points so that little or no sanding required. Demonstration on pine 2 x 4 material.
Review of basic safety rules, the east west rule, proper tool entry to prevent screw backs,tool
tilts, arcing, use of body and hip motions, etc.

CONVEX GRIND: How to grind a spindle gouge with a parabolic shape and a convex bevel
profile using a wolverine jig and freehand spark trail drawing.

Side grain bowl cuts inside and out – a demonstration of tool application and grinds.
End grain bowl cuts inside and out – a demonstration of tool application and grinds.
(I use tools and grinds that work for me not always the traditional). I will demonstrate how to
make these grinds.

If there is time, he will also cover the following:

TOOTHPICK TECHNOLOGY: Tenonless joinery for your ornaments and other art. I will
demonstrate how you can make universal finials that can be interchanged on solid, hollow and
irregularly surfaced objects.This is easy fun and you will never have to measure tenons to fit

All of the events with Mark Sillay will be held at the regular FLWT meeting location at the Isaac Heating and Air Conditioning facility.

You can register for the Saturday demonstration, which runs from 9am to about 3:30pm, at a cost of $35. or the Sunday hands on workshop, which runs from 8:30am to about 4pm, at a cost of $65. at the Register for Events link. You can sign up for lunch from Subway for $10 when you arrive for either Saturday or Sunday events, or bring your own lunch.

More information is available about the Saturday Demonstration and the Sunday Workshop