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FLWT Hosts Malcolm Zander

FLWT Hosts Malcolm Zander

FLWT is hosting national turner Malcolm Zander ( for our November monthly meeting.  Mr. Zander is known for his elegant thin-turned forms with delicate piercing details and he will be speaking at a special Friday evening club meeting on November 18th.  His talk that evening will be on his work and his thoughts on woodturning design.  On Saturday morning November 19th, Malcolm will be demonstrating his techniques for doing thin-walled turning with dry wood – he has some unique techniques for turning thin with dry rather than green wood.  On Saturday afternoon, Malcolm will host eight FLWT members to try their hand at what they learned turning a thin-walled vessel.

Our Friday night meeting starts with a show and share at 6:00pm with a short business meeting and Malcolm’s lecture beginning at about 6:30pm.  The Saturday morning demonstration of thin-walled turning will be from 9:00am until approximately 11:00am and the Saturday afternoon hands-on workshop will run from 1:00pm until approximately 4:00pm.  The Friday meeting is of course free and open to all.   The Saturday morning demonstration is also open to all and is only $10.  The Saturday afternoon hands-on is open to intermediate turners that attend both Friday night and Saturday morning and is only $30.  There will also be a small materials fee for the hands-on session that will be less than $10.  The details of the equipment needed for the hands-on session are included in the FLWT October newsletter.

Special Friday Night Meeting: November 18th, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Saturday Demonstration: November 19th, 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Saturday Hands-on Workshop: November 19th, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The Friday meeting and the Saturday demonstration and workshop will be held at our normal meeting place:

        Isaac Heating and Cooling Training Center 
        180 Charlotte St
        Rochester, N.Y. 14607