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FLWT Hosts Liam O’Neill from Ireland

FLWT Hosts Liam O’Neill from Ireland

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On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 20th and 21st and 22nd, Finger Lakes Woodturners will be hosting national speaker Liam O’Neill ( from Ireland.

Mr. O’Neill is probably best known as the person who introduced the Irish  Side Grind Bowl Gouge to David Ellsworth – who eventually promoted its use throughout American woodturning.  Liam is known for a variety of turned work including bowls, hollow forms and lidded containers.  In addition, his most recent work is made up of large outdoor sculptural objects.  You can see some of the details of Liam’s work in the photos above as well as on his web site.

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Liam O'Neill 6
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Liam O'Neill 4

FLWT will host Mr. O’Neill for a special Friday night club meeting on September 20th open to all FLWT members. During this talk, Liam will discuss his work with the membership, he will talk about the Irish Side Grind bowl gouge and he will do a bit of turning demonstration..

On Saturday, September 21st, we will hold a demonstration where Mr. O’Neill will demonstrate a variety of turned objects and special techniques, including details on how he best uses the Irish Grind bowl gouge.  He will also show a specialty technique where he uses an electric chainsaw with a special fixture to turn work at the lathe!  These demonstration will cover many things and will be of interest to turners of all skill levels.  We are also aiming to hold a hands-on workshop with Mr. O’Neill on Sunday September 22nd.  This a limited number of seats and open initially only to FLWT members.

The Saturday demo will start at about 9am and run at least through mid-afternoon with a short break for lunch. If you plan on attending please plan on bringing your own lunch. The demonstration is open to all and will cost $35.  The Sunday workshop is limited to 6- 8 (details on location and times are still being developed) and will be an additional $85 for participants and requires participation in the demonstration as well.  This will give participants the opportunity to see the object(s) that they will work on, first turned by Liam on Saturday.  Participation in the workshop will require that you bring your own tools and mini-lathe.

The Friday meeting and the Saturday demonstration will be held at our normal meeting place:

Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning Training Center
180 Charlotte St
Rochester, N.Y.

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