Finger Lakes Woodturners May 2017 Meeting

Finger Lakes Woodturners May 2017 Meeting

Finger Lakes Woodturners will hold our regular May club meeting on Thursday May 18th. FLWT member Cliff Weatherell is our featured demonstrator, and Cliff will show us how he turns a cube of wood into a three pointed or wing bowl.

The meeting will begin at 6:00pm with a show and share of members work, followed by a short business meeting which will commence at 6:30pm.

In addition to how he turns the piece, Cliff will talk about and describe the selection of wood suitable for these projects, as well as the preparation of the blanks, and his preferred finishing techniques for these pieces.

Please join us on May 18 to learn how to turn this rather different style of bowl, and we encourage folks to bring a piece they have turned for Show and Share.

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