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Tag: chapter collaborative

Finger Lakes Woodturners wins first place AAW Chapter Collaborative

Finger Lakes Woodturners wins first place AAW Chapter Collaborative

This year our club chose to participate in it’s first (for us) Chapter Collaborative Project for display and judging at the American Association of Woodturners (AAW) Annual Symposium in St. Paul Minnesota.  This project was the brainchild of Club Secretary, Bruce Trojan and involved the work of many of our members over a period of several months.  After its long trek to St. Paul, “Polyrhythm” – our symposium entry, went on display at the event.

The chapter collaborative entries were broken down into three categories: 1) Artistic, 2) Fantasy and 3) Technical/Mechanical.  We chose to enter Polyrhythm into the Fantasy category, though it would have also fit well as an Artistic piece.  There were twelve total entries and 4 in our category of Fantasy.  The great news is that FLWT’s Polyrhythm won our category!!  There was also a judging for best of show which we unfortunately did not win, however we should all be very proud of our results with FLWT’s inaugural entry as a chapter collaborative.

Thanks go out to Bruce Trojan for all of his efforts to design the piece and coordinate the build, as well as for transporting the piece to St. Paul.  Thanks also to all of the membership that took part in the effort – it was truly a collaborative effort that made this all come together.

In the pictures:  A few below of the prototype of the piece that was constructed out of foam, and above,  one of the finished piece with Bruce Trojan, Ed DeMay and Doug Crittenden at the symposium and another of the finished piece alone at Bruce’s house.

Congratulations FLWT!!!