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Tag: hollowing

December 2011 Finger Lakes Woodturners Meeting

December 2011 Finger Lakes Woodturners Meeting

Finger Lakes Woodturners will hold our regular December club meeting on Thursday, December 15th.  The meeting will be held at our normal meeting location and will begin at 6:00pm with a show and share of members work.  A quick business meeting will commence at 6:45pm.  Following the business meeting we will have our featured event.

This month will feature Hollowing Tools and Techniques using Green Wood by FLWT President, Mark Mazzo. 

If you’ve ever wanted to learn about what it takes to create hollow-turned vessels, this one is for you.  Hollowing is sometimes looked at as too difficult but really it just takes a few tools and some patience and perseverance.  Hollow forms can be made in all sizes and a small form is well within everyone’s reach. At the meeting, Mark will show you a selection of tools used to turn, measure and hollow green wood and he will demonstrate the procedure for mounting and hollowing a small vessel starting with a small green log.

Hope you can all make it!