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Finger Lakes Woodturners Host Jamie Donaldson

Finger Lakes Woodturners Host Jamie Donaldson

Finger Lakes Woodturners will host our second national turner of the year, Jamie Donaldson, with a special April club meeting on Friday, April 22. The meeting will be held at the new Isaac Heating and Air Conditioning facility and will begin at 6:00pm with a show and share of members work. A quick business meeting will commence at 6:45pm. Following the business meeting we will have our featured event.

Jamie will be speaking and demonstrating at a special Friday evening club meeting on April 22nd.  At the meeting, he will present a slideshow about his background, his work, and his teaching experience. Jamie will be glad to take any questions from the audience during his presentation.

JDonaldson 002







Registration for the Saturday demonstration and Sunday workshop is available now on the Register for Events page. NOTE: at this time the Sunday workshop is full, but we are accepting names on a waiting list in case of cancellations. There is no payment required to add your name to the waiting list for the workshop.

On Saturday April 23, the demonstration begins at 9am, and Jamie will begin with basic bowl turning techniques,  gradually progressing into more advanced techniques, for different types of bowls, and he will demonstrate turning several of his signature winged bowls. This demonstration will cover many aspects of turning bowls and it has been developed to be of interest to turners of all skill levels.  The Saturday demonstration is on $35.  The workshop will be held at the regular FLWT meeting location at the Isaac Heating and Air Conditioning facility.



JDonaldson-Square Tiger Maple (dyed)





On Sunday April 23, we will have a hands-on workshop for up to 10 participants to be held at Staach, Inc., which is located at 250 Cumberland Street in downtown Rochester. During the workshop, Jamie will start the participants with turning a basic bowl from green wood, and then Jamie will show how to turn other types of bowls including a natural edge bowl and a winged bowl. Each participant will be able to work at their one level of comfort and will hopefully explore some new aspects of making bowls during the workshop. We will supply all the necessary blanks and participants should be able to complete 2 or 3 bowls during the workshop. We will not be doing final sanding and finishing, but Jamie will discuss his preferred techniques and materials for sanding and finishing. The Sunday workshop will be more productive for participants who also attend the Saturday demo and the workshop is only an additional $65.

This is your opportunity to get inspired and to learn some new skills to incorporate into your woodturning.  We only have two National turners come to visit each year, so don’t miss this opportunity…we hope to see everyone at the meeting, demonstration and workshop!